
We can do it - Feminist Lecturer Award

The SWS Distinguished Lectureship was founded in 1985 as a way of recognizing members whose scholarship employs a feminist perspective and of making this feminist scholar available to campuses that are isolated, rural, located away from major metropolitan areas, and bereft of the resources needed to invite guest speakers.

We jointly applied for the Feminist Lecturer Award for the University of Kent, and: got it! We are more than happy that distinguished stratifictaion and inequality researcher Dr. Cecila Ridgeway/University of Stanford will visit us on campus!
Some of her books:
*Cecilia Ridgeway. Framed by Gender: How Gender Inequality Persists in the Modern World. Book manuscript in preparation.
*Cecilia Ridgeway (Ed.). Gender, Interaction and Inequality. NY: Springer-Verlag, 1992.
*Edward Lawler, Barry Markovsky, Cecilia Ridgeway, and Henry Walker (Eds.). Advances in Group Processes Vol. 9. Greenwich, CT: JAI, 1992.
*Cecilia Ridgeway. The Dynamics of Small Groups. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983

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